2 Cor. 5:15 “ And He died for all that those who live may no longer live to themselves but to Him who died for them and has been raised.”

Dear Saints,

      The Lord has always been merciful and gracious to all of us here in Islamabad because of your prayers and support. We want to share with you all the  highlights of the wonderful things He has done and is doing:
  1. The visiting saints from Tajikistan, along with some local saints who helped them with translation, did a month-long propagation in one community in Islamabad . A few days before their departure, in early February, everyone whom they contacted and preached the gospel to (around 29 gospel friends), were invited to an evening of fellowship in which all were encouraged to share their testimonies and enjoyment of Christ.


  1. On February 5th the first perfecting training in Wah Cantt (near Taxila) took place. It was conducted by the the brothers from the 2nd Dist. who were burdened to do propagation in that city. There were 35 local saints that attended the training. Several saints from Islamabad also joined to encourage the saints there.


  1. Three (3) local brothers - one from Lahore, one who was originally from Rawalpindi but is now working in Qatar and one from Karachi - attended the International Chinese-Speaking Conference in Taiwan. They enjoyed the messages and the blending with the brothers and sisters there.


  1. More baptisms

                A. In February ( At Wah Cantt, one 
      brother and one sister were baptized.)



              B. In April ( In the 5th Dist., four saints 
    were baptized.)
  1. Several of the ones contacted for gospel preaching in the 5th Dist. received the Lord Jesus as their Savior for the first time, and all of them prayed the sinner's prayer. Praise the Lord!!!
  2. Islamabad saints have started going out for gospel preaching more than once a week. Instead of going only on Thursday evenings, we also do propagation on Mondays after the sisters’ meeting, on Saturdays after the youth meeting, and on Wednesdays after the group meeting.
  3. On April 10-13, we had the National Sisters’ Training that was held in Islamabad this time, in the 2nd Dist. meeting hall. Forty-four (44) sisters came from the 5 localities and even from Faisalabad, and 15 more sisters joined online.We thank the Lord for giving such a wonderful opportunity for the local sisters to blend and enjoy the Lord together!
